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May 12, 2023 0 Comments

After receiving a call to consult the price of concrete mixing plant equipment, the user asked about the price after saying the specific model and idea on the phone, and after we gave

May 12, 2023 0 Comments

Analysis of raw material testing for construction projects: Construction project raw material testing is the core link to ensure the quality of building construction and guarantee the average quality of raw materials. At

May 11, 2023 0 Comments

Hopper feeding method: the hopper feeding method of the concrete mixing plant are HZS25 station, HZS35 station, HZS50 station, HZS75 station, these four mixing plants are classified as simple engineering concrete mixing plant,

May 11, 2023 0 Comments

For most of the customers of commercial concrete mixing plant, they want to make their own machine to create profits for a long time, used concrete mixing plant equipment as a manufacturer suggests

May 11, 2023 0 Comments

To build a large concrete mixing plant must have the main steel structure and external closure, and beautiful and can achieve the reduction of dust and improve the environmental protection factor of the

May 11, 2023 0 Comments

The quality of used concrete mixing plant equipment is good or bad, good or bad, will directly affect the use of users. High quality mixing plant equipment has high production efficiency, good concrete

May 9, 2023 0 Comments

Concrete is the basic building material of modern high-rise buildings, in order to meet the different requirements of various forms of construction on the performance of concrete, it is necessary to add a

May 9, 2023 0 Comments

Through field visits to dozens of commercial concrete mixing plant, we deeply feel that there are many hidden problems of commercial concrete, which will cause great impact once problems occur. Although many research

May 9, 2023 0 Comments

Introduction of concrete mixing plant Concrete is the construction material produced by concrete mixing plant, which solidifies sand, gravel and other materials, and has the properties of stone after hardening. The types and

May 9, 2023 0 Comments

Causes and solutions of pumped concrete collapse loss and slump instability problemsThe causes of concrete prone to waterlogging, segregation problems and solutionsThe pumpability of concrete is poor to catch the bottom or the