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What do I need to know when I choose a concrete mixing plant1

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What do I need to know when I choose a concrete mixing plant?

May 25, 2023 NFLG 0 Comments

Concrete mixing plant, is a large equipment for the production of concrete, customers in the purchase of consulting more, as the sales of concrete mixing plant manufacturers, we need to have patience, and only in this way, customers can feel your sincerity, understand your equipment, purchase your equipment. We can constantly summarize the needs of customers, their own equipment, so that their own good development and growth.

Selection of concrete mixing plant, what do you need to know?

So, the following as a better brand construction machinery manufacturers, there are several customers have purchased a complete set of concrete mixing plant and accessories from NFLG, what do customers ask when they buy? About these questions, how do we answer them? These can show the ability and level of our equipment, let’s take a look.

1. Q: 75 concrete mixing plant needs to be equipped with that type of forklift?

A: In most cases, a HZS75 concrete mixing plant production line, equipped with a 50 type forklift, is basically enough.

2. Q: How much KW is the power of the 1500 main machine used in HZS90 concrete mixing plant?

A: According to the calculation of the host JS1500 mixer, the mixing motor is 60KW, and generally designed for dual-motor start.

3. Q: HZS60 concrete mixing plant host with imported or domestic good?

A: The quality of a cubic meter host, and the gap between the host is getting smaller, Kexin construction machine mixing plant host is good, you can take a look.

4. Q: HZS120 station daily production, what type of shovel needs to be equipped?

A: In the forklift truck, HZS120 concrete mixing plant is usually equipped with 50 forklifts.

5. Q: Which is the best HZS90 mixing plant equipment?

A: At present, the production of concrete mixing equipment manufacturers are quite a lot, Kexin Construction Machinery is a better construction machinery manufacturers, our HZS90 mixing plant automation performance is good, and we have a lot of cases to refer to, you can come to see.

6. Q: How much to buy a small concrete mixer? What is the approximate price range?

A: Commonly used small concrete mixers are mainly JS500, JS1000 and other models, the price of such equipment is low, widely applicable, the price ranges from 10,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan.

7. Q: What does JS1500 mean? What do the letters and numbers represent respectively?

A: According to the industry regulations, JS represents double horizontal shaft forced mixing, 1500 represents the discharge capacity of this concrete mixer is 1500L, which is often said to be 1.5 cubic meters.

8. Q: Which one is better, JS1000 concrete mixer with double motor start or single motor start?

A: JS1000 concrete mixer dual-motor start and single-motor start, only the design of the equipment update, there is no difference in the use of the two. Most of the face of the single motor start.

9. Q: What is the structure and construction of the main machine of HZS120 concrete mixing plant?

A: Some manufacturers use the forced double horizontal shaft JS2000 concrete mixer, and there are some companies that use the planetary structure of MAO2000 mainframe.

10. Q: Is the control system of HZS75 model mixing plant computerized and automatic?

A: The electric control system of HZS75 type concrete mixing plant is divided into two kinds, one is a simple centralized control system and the other is a fully automatic computer control system.

“Pay attention to customer needs, supply good quality equipment”, so we welcome your consultation, welcome to our factory to buy and visit!

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