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How to choose a site for building a concrete mixing plant - NFLG | Concrete Batching Plants

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How to choose a site for building a concrete mixing plant

April 24, 2023 NFLG 0 Comments

To build a concrete mixing plant, it is necessary to have excellent equipment and a suitable site with sufficient capacity and location. Finally, the site must be installed in a reasonable manner. If there is a problem with the installation of good equipment, it will affect the normal production efficiency, or cause serious damage to the equipment after a long time. Therefore, the commercial concrete mixing plant site planning and construction is very important and needs to be taken seriously.

The primary requirement for the site is flat and solid. Before installation, the ground of the site should be repaired to ensure that the level is intact. Then it is the planning of the installation location of different parts of the equipment on the site. The mixer, batching machine, cement silo, as well as the aggregate pile and reservoir facilities need to be combined together in the same planning. Design a reasonable planning design, you can follow the design of the equipment installation. The principle of site planning should be to save space and facilitate traffic, so as to ensure that the raw materials and concrete transport vehicles can travel smoothly.

NFLG promises that after the commercial concrete mixing plant equipment is sold, the manufacturer has special technical personnel to provide site planning, infrastructure construction, auxiliary installation, technical guidance and other services for the user, so that the user can directly start production operations.

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